Common Causes of Bicycle Accidents

Ever ponder the reasons behind the occurrence of bicycle collisions? Bicycle crashes, particularly those occurring on highways, arise from various factors. Most of these incidents can be attributed to driver-related circumstances, often involving hazardous alterations in lanes. Therefore, understanding the common causes of bicycle accidents is crucial for ensuring cyclists’ safety and the harmony of road sharing.

Continue reading this blog to delve into the causes of cycling accidents and understand how hiring a personal injury lawyer can be valuable if you’re involved in one of these unfortunate incidents. Let’s get aware of the potential road hazards and make your cycling experience safe.

10 Common Causes of Bicycle Accidents

Here are some of the causes of the most common bike accidents that you must consider if you want to file a claim:

Distracted Driving

This factor is one of the common causes of bicycle accidents with other vehicles. When drivers focus on their phones instead of their surroundings, the risk of bicycle crashes significantly rises. Distractions include texting, dialing, phone conversations, and social media use.

Insufficient Buffer Space

Drivers who tailgate cyclists or pass them with less than three feet of space create perilous situations unnecessarily. Such actions heighten the likelihood of collisions with cyclists and reduce cyclists’ and drivers’ options for collision avoidance.


Speeding extends the time required for drivers to stop while decreasing the time available for sound decision-making on the road. While high-speed accidents tend to result in severe injuries, even accidents at relatively lower speeds (like speeding in residential areas) can pose significant dangers for cyclists.

Reckless Traffic Weaving

Drivers weaving through traffic are less likely to notice cyclists sharing the road, and their ability to execute evasive maneuvers is compromised. Such drivers also often stray from traffic lanes into bike lanes and shoulders.

Unsafe Lane Changes

Even a single unsafe lane change can be hazardous, regardless of weaving. Bicycle accidents due to dangerous lane changes commonly stem from drivers merging into cyclist lanes without adequately checking for clearance.

Neglecting to Check Before Turning

At many intersections, drivers may have a green light to turn while still bearing the responsibility to watch for cyclists and pedestrians. Neglecting to check for bicyclists when turning is one of the most common causes of bicycle accidents at intersections.

Running Red Lights or Stop Signs

Ignoring traffic signals and signs often leads to a car accident with bicycle. This risk is prevalent in neighborhoods, suburbs, city centers, and urban areas. The danger escalates when drivers disregard cyclists who have the right of way.

Failure to Yield

Failure to yield is another form of reckless driving that poses substantial threats to cyclists. From roundabouts to merging lanes, drivers must yield to oncoming traffic, including bicycles, at various locations.

Impaired Driving

Driving a vehicle after taking alcohol or drugs is one of the leading bicycle accident causes. Impaired drivers struggle to make sound decisions, leading to accidents. A significant number of cyclist-involved collisions stem from impaired driving.

Driver Fatigue

While not as widely recognized as impaired driving risks, fatigued driving poses comparable dangers. Early morning, late-night, or post-work driving can significantly increase the likelihood of most common bike accidents.

Common Bike Accidents Injuries

If you’re injured in a bicycle accident, there might be no external injuries that are apparent. However, a thorough medical examination is crucial to identify potential internal injuries. Common injuries sustained by bicyclists in accidents include:


  • Abrasions, Bruises, and Cuts
  • Head Injuries, Including Concussions
  • Dental and Facial Injuries
  • Numbness or Tingling
  • Dizziness or Headaches
  • Emotional Distress
  • Fractures in the Foot, Leg, and Knee
  • Muscle or Joint Tension
  • Pain in the Abdomen, Neck, Shoulders, and Spinal Column

What to Do After A Bicycle Accident?

The average settlement for bicycle accidents involves the process of seeking damages, which includes establishing liability. As the complainant, you’re responsible for demonstrating that the opposing party bears accountability for the accident and the resulting injuries. This can be accomplished through two primary methods:

Presenting Liability Evidence

Gathering evidence to substantiate your claim of liability is pivotal. Here are several sources that can be utilized as evidence to support your case:

  • An official accident report.
  • Documentation showcasing lost wages.
  • Video surveillance footage.
  • Testimonies from eyewitnesses.
  • Comprehensive medical records.
  • Relevant photographs.

Enlisting Expert Witness Testimony

Engage the expertise of professional witnesses, such as accident reconstruction specialists or medical professionals, and seek their testimonies on your behalf. Their role is to clarify the link between the bicycle accident and your sustained injuries, offering a clearer understanding of the circumstances.

Tips for Preventing Bicycle Accidents

Cyclists sometimes find themselves in situations where accidents seem inevitable. However, developing awareness can significantly contribute to preventing severe bike accidents and minimizing the risk of injuries.

Wear Visible Outfits

Since bicycles are smaller than most motor vehicles, enhancing visibility becomes paramount. Consider adorning your bike or wearing attire that enhances visibility, especially during nighttime rides.

Minimize Distractions

Prioritize your surroundings and refrain from using your phone for activities like listening to music or texting, particularly when navigating crowded areas. Direct your attention to the road instead.

Prioritize Helmet Usage

The simple act of using a helmet can substantially reduce the likelihood of head injuries and neural damage. With a plethora of lightweight and aesthetically pleasing helmets designed for optimal protection, incorporating this gear into your biking routine is non-negotiable.

Get a Free Case Assessment from Los Angeles Lawyer Co

If you’re looking for a trustworthy lawyer on your side who can compensate for your bicycle accident loss, get a free consultation from our bicycle accident. Our lawyers safeguard the rights of the injured and relentlessly pursue the rightful compensation that victims deserve.

Final Verdict

Comprehending the common causes of bicycle accidents is essential to promote a safe riding environment. After reading about the above factors contributing to bicycle incidents, we hope you can take preventative measures. Remember, the road is a shared space, and awareness of potential hazards will help you create a secure and enjoyable experience for every cyclist. So, before you pedal away, take a moment to equip yourself with insights about these causes and ride on with confidence.


Most collisions with bicyclists happen during the late afternoon or early evening, often between 3:00 PM and 9:00 PM. This is when traffic is typically heavier, and visibility can be reduced due to decreasing daylight.

Cyclist fatalities in the United States vary from year to year, but on average, there are around 800 to 900 cyclist deaths annually. These numbers can be influenced by factors such as road safety measures and the prevalence of cycling.

Most bicycle fatalities in the United States occur in urban areas, particularly in densely populated cities and their suburbs. Intersections and busy roads are common locations for these accidents. However, the specific areas with the highest fatality rates can vary by region and local factors.

The most common cause of bike accidents is collisions with motor vehicles, often due to drivers failing to yield the right of way to cyclists.

Cycle crashes can be caused by various factors, including distracted riding, poor road conditions, mechanical failures, and reckless behavior by both cyclists and drivers.

For children, the most common cause of bicycle accidents is often not following traffic rules and riding in an unsafe manner, such as running stop signs or not wearing helmets.

Bicycle accidents can be reduced by implementing safety measures such as wearing helmets, following traffic laws, using bike lanes or paths, increasing visibility with lights and reflective gear, and promoting education and awareness about cycling safety for both cyclists and motorists.

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